Business Factors & Finance is a factoring company run by the legendary Riviera Finance and the exceptional America’s Factors. Established in 1999, this remarkable firm has, time and again, been ranked as one of the top factoring companies in the US and Canada. This is because, since its founding, this company has consistently enabled many small and medium-sized businesses in both countries to grow and be financially stable.
Services Offered
For years, the customer base of Business Factors & Finance has consistently been growing. As this firm is dedicated to catering to all its clients, it has continually widened the range of financial services it offers. Currently, it provides services such as asset-based lending, accounts receivable financing, cash-flow loans, freight bill factoring, invoice factoring, payroll factoring, spot factoring, and small business factoring. It also offers non-recourse factoring, revenue-based loans, and purchase order financing. Given that this company offers a variety of financial services, it’s no surprise that it is referred to as one of the go-to financial companies in the region.
Why Business Factors & Finance Is A Factoring Company You Can Rely On
If you’re in search of a factoring company, here are some of the reasons why selecting Business Factors & Finance would be a wise move.
Advances Large Portions of Outstanding Invoices
Most factoring companies usually advance less than 90% of the outstanding invoices it purchases. This isn’t the case with Business Factors & Finance. Once this company validates and purchases an invoice, it usually pays the business it buys from approximately 96% of the invoice amount. Thus, if you choose to sell your invoices to Business Factors & Finance, you can count on receiving a handsome advanced payment.
Has A Stress-Free Application Process
To get funding from a good number of factoring companies, one must follow several tiring steps. However, as a company that aims to make everything easy for its clients, Business Factors & Finance has an easy application process.
Boasts Quick Factoring Options
Business Factors & Finance prides itself on having a wide variety of quick factoring options. This being the case, if you’d like to settle on a factoring company that can provide you with the funding you need in no time, this remarkable company is the appropriate firm for you.
Low Fees
Business Factors & Finance is an affordable factoring company. Unlike many of its competitors, it charges its clients low fees. As this company has no hidden fees, you can rest assured of not incurring massive costs if you select it as your preferred factoring company.
Experienced companies tend to provide their clients exceptional services. As Business Factors & Finance is one of the most experienced companies in the factoring industry, it’s safe to say that if you’d like to receive outstanding factoring service, settling on this company would be prudent.
Elite Customer Service
Business Factors & Finance is home to several professional representatives. Given that these representatives have proved to be easy to work with, you can count on them to treat your clients as well as they treat you.
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