We often talk more about how to communicate with potential customers then how to reach our own employees. However, it might be a mistake in the long run. Ensuring that everyone is on the same page is an important part of the process of continued growth, especially for large firms. Here are a few ideas that may help Communication Managers, no matter which industry sector they are a part of.
- Bring the News to Everyone
We have gotten so used to sending out information through e-mails, that we sometimes forget that there are other means of communication available to us. The problem is, our mailbox is often inundated with useless messages; enough to stop us from reading any that aren’t a reply to one of our own mail or either has a repercussion on our daily tasks. Therefore, sending a mail about the latest news inside the company, is at risk of being forgotten in the inbox, never having been read.
But there are ways to making internal news interesting and fun to read, for everyone inside the company. One of them is newspaper printing. Any company that holds a group of people born before 1980, should find employees eager to pick-up one of the papers and read through it. Younger generations also like the feel of having something in their hands, other than a phone, every once in a while. A newspaper enables the company to inform on the latest actions being taken by the management team to grow the sales, but it can also be a source of other information, which would then make it even more interesting to all.
- On the Radio
A larger number of companies now have internal radio stations. If you don’t know what that is, a good example is when you head to your grocery store and you find yourself listening to advertisement of products on sale, in between two songs. These radio stations are customized to the needs of the company that acquires their service. There are no reasons why it shouldn’t work inside an office. In between songs, you can have information about the company being announced. It would keep employees informed on the latest actions being taken by the firm, but also visitors that have come to their location. It is also a great opportunity to remind everyone about certain rules or special events that are coming up.
- Group Meetings
In large companies, especially tech ones, there tends to be at least one or two moments during the year, when everyone is called upon, inside the amphitheater, to hear their CEO talk about the latest results and the future endeavours of the firm. This is a crucial moment, as it tends to continue on for a few days, with special events. It is some kind of a celebration of the company, in which everyone can take part. It ensures that all employees and managers are being involved, and then move on forward with energy and will, once the gathering has passed. This is a sure way to communicate information with great results.
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