In our everyday lives, we are encountered with many such instances where we need to quickly do our calculation to save time and effort. Hence multiplication is a skill that comes in handy at such places making the knowledge of multiplication chart a must for everyone. Multiplication is also referred to as repeated addition, which means it is a quick way to add things or numbers.
Mathematics helps kids understand the world around them with the help of numbers, shapes and patterns. It helps them think logically and reason things out to make sense of things in this physical world. Kids have a sharp memory in their early years, and they have the ability to pick up the concepts and learn quickly if taught interactively. To teach them something which will benefit them years later should hence be carried out in a fun and engaging manner which captures their attention span and helps in grabbing the concept. Arithmetic is one such skill that everyone has to have to function in their daily lives. If the child has picked up addition, then introducing multiplication would not be a problem. Although each child has their own learning pace, hence one should not worry or rush through the process and allow them to take their own time for learning.
Multiplication is one of the four major arithmetical operations, which finds its utility in practical life almost everywhere. If the kids know how to multiply and if they can figure out or learn the multiplication chart well, it will help them a lot in further arithmetic studies as well as in daily life number crunching. Mathematics is often referred to as the study of patterns, and the students, if introduced to multiplication, will be able to figure out the patterns followed by the multiplication tables. The multiplication tables from 1 to 20 save a lot of time from doing unnecessary calculations, which will be beneficial for higher grade studies too.
To start with multiplication, kids should be allowed to understand and practice skip counting, which will give them a proper introduction of how multiplication works. The concept of multiplication, if explained well through real-life examples and by practicing skip counting, will make them confident to deal with the multiplication tables from 1 to 20.
While initially, the multiplication table may look confusing to the kids, but if the concept of multiplication is introduced through some fun and interactive puzzles and games, kids will enjoy it and will learn by themselves. Once confident with the basic multiplication level, then consistent practice will automatically give them the necessary logical thinking skill to deal with a large number multiplication.
Many a time, people associate that people with higher intelligence can deal with mathematics confidently, but it is actually that such people have high calculations speed owing to their multiplication skills which need not necessarily be memorized, but there are various strategies to learn it too. Multiplication tables can be continued up to any number, but they are not required except for the basic smaller ones. To deal with larger numbers, there are various alternative methods and strategies to figure their multiplication out.
Learning and practising multiplication from a young age will be an introduction to the very basic life skill which they will continue to master as they grow up. The teachers and parents should keep in mind that the learning process is kept interactive and enjoyable to generate the curiosity of the young minds, which is essential for imbibing any new learning. Also, learning along with play and friends will help in retaining the concepts for a longer time rather than just memorizing without understanding.
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