If you’re interested in learning more information about living in Shawano or visiting Shawano, simply continue reading to discover a handy guide which contains a few useful pieces of information about Shawano County.
Everything that you need to know about Shawano:
Shawano is known for its outdoor activities:
Some examples of some of the popular outdoor actives in Shawano include fishing, kayaking and stand up paddle boarding on Lake Shawano, camping, cycling and white water rafting. The latter of which will appeal to adrenaline seekers who are looking to experience a natural rush of endorphins. If you love nothing more than exploring the great outdoors, it’s well worth checking out some of the adventurous activities which Shawano has to offer.
Shawano’s newspaper is called the Shawano Evening Leader:
Although Shawano County only has a population of around 40,000 residents and Shawano City has a relatively small population of around 9,000 residents, Shawano County has it’s own professional newspaper the Shawano Evening Leader. Which is full of articles about the latest local news and events. Whether you’re looking to stay up to date with the latest news or you’re interested in advertising a local event which you’d like to feature in the Shawano Evening Leader, it’s well worth finding out more information about the Shawano Evening Leader.
Shawano is known for its tastefully decorated barns:
If you drive around Shawano County you’ll come across historic barns which have been tastefully painted and decorated with hand made quilts. That have become one of Shawano County’s main tourist attractions. Most of the barns which you’ll come across has been sponsored by a local business or community group, which makes Shawano’s barns a community project.
Shawano County boasts a large library:
Shawano County Library is a spacious, purpose built, modern library which offers a wide collection of books and is often open late. Shawano County Library is also a popular local destination due to it’s action packed calendar of local community events. Some examples of which include arts and crafts sessions, teen book nights and kids’ story time sessions. As well as sessions for moms and babies.
Shawano Country also features a well painted recreation center:
Not only does the Shawano Recreation Center feature a large gym but it also boasts a seperate weights room as well as two squash courts. However the clear highlight of the Shawano Recreation Center is its pool. Where children’s swimming classes and adult’s swimming classes are held. Although there are also dedicated swimming lanes which you can make use of at any time.
The Shawano County Fair is one of the largest events in Shawano County:
One of the most anticipated events in Shawano County is the Shawano County Fair which takes place during Labor Weekend each year. The fair, which is held at Shawano Speedway features fireworks, amusement rides and games and live performances from local artists. So if you ever happen to be in Shawano County during Labor Day weekend, it’s well worth attending the Shawano Country Fair. Especially if you have young children, who’ll love the excitement of going to a large fair.
Hopefully you discovered a few handy new facts about Shawano County. As well it’s wide variety of facilities, amenities and events. As Shawano truly has something to offer every individual.
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