College is one of the most exciting times for many people. Most students feel invincible during their college days hence engage in all manner of questionable activities. Drugs, alcohol, and unprotected sex are prevalent with young adults, one of the reasons the number of reported sexually transmitted diseases in colleges has been on the rise. While some universities can provide support for students learning to resist alcohol, there is less support for STDs.
Those individuals concerned about STDs on campus should learn everything they can about the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases among college students. Further one can always take the necessary steps to ensure they are protected. For example, an individual can take an HIV test in Montreal to confirm he or she is not infected. Similarly, understanding the method of transmission as well as the symptoms of each of the commonly found STDs on campuses will help you identify them early.
We hope that this article will help students familiarize themselves beforehand with all the dangers that can arise during their college years. It will be a good opportunity not to fall into the trap, but if you feel strange after sexual intercourse, the best solution for you is to use thesis writing service and head to the hospital yourself.
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Most Common STDs Among College Students
According to research, young adults (aged between 15 – 24 years) account for more than 25% of all STD diagnosis annually. The three most common STDs among college students are:
1. HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases today, with college students among the worst hit. The HPV is passed from one person to another through skin-to-skin contact of the genitals (during intercourse). Unknown to many, HPV is highly infectious and can be transmitted through oral sex as well. The common sign of HPV infection is warts around the genitalia and on hands as well.
2. Chlamydia
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection caused by chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. The bacteria spreads through sexual contact, with most infections going unnoticed for months. A medical diagnosis is, however, required to ascertain if you are infected. Some of the signs of chlamydia include pain in the testicles, vagina, pelvis, lower abdomen, and abnormal discharge from the vagina/penis. Chlamydia is treatable using prescription antibiotics.
3. Herpes and HIV
Herpes, and especially HSV-02, is a common STD among young sexually active college students. Research conducted by the CDC shows that more than 20% of all college students have the herpes virus. Herpes mostly spread through sexual contact (kissing, anal sex, oral sex, and vaginal sex), especially if one has unprotected sex with multiple partners. Some of the early signs of a herpes infection include ulcerated blisters, swollen lymph nodes, blisters on lips and in the mouth, and pronounced headaches and fever. Antiviral drugs can be used to treat and reduce symptoms.
HIV/Aids is also ubiquitous with many college students today. The risk of contracting HIV is relatively high with students, especially those with multiple sexual partners and those sharing syringes. HIV/Aids, unlike most STDs, isn’t curable but can only be managed using antiretroviral drugs. These drugs help by suppressing the virus, giving you a better chance of surviving. You, however, have to get tested to be able to access these drugs. Consider getting an HIV test in Montreal to ascertain your status. If you are wondering, “can an urgent care do STD testing?”, then reach out to a professional.
College students need to be aware of the consequences that a one-night stand can have on their health. While having sex is normal during college, reckless condomless sex is likely to have devastating effects. STDs brought about by unprotected sex will make you incur medical expenses. Some of the health complications caused by STDs include spontaneous abortion, infertility, hepatitis B, and even AIDS. While most STDs are curable, the drugs used to treat them often have side effects. For instance, common side effects of treating a herpes infection include blurred vision, headaches, and nausea. STDs gained during college days can last for the rest of your life; hence, be responsible and use protection.
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