Dozens of providers offer online tutoring in math, English, German and other subjects. We’ll show you the most important course platforms and live tutors!
From elementary school to high school: Thousands of students and parents look every day for good learning opportunities on the Internet. Please note that tutors tute and not do homework instead of pupil. You can hire someone to do homework from specialized service if you need such a favor.
- To improve grades,
- For intensive exam preparation and
- For the targeted compensation of knowledge gaps.
Math and English are particularly popular subjects. There are also digital learning opportunities in physics, chemistry, biology and other school subjects, such as A-Level Chemistry Tutor or A-Level Physics Tutor. What specific options are there? And what is best for your child?
Lots of good offers, but the overview is missing
There are now many high-quality online offers for students of all grade levels. Because the offer is slowly becoming confusing, we give you a brief overview to get you started!
Below, you’ll also learn what a leading scientist thinks of online tutoring.
3 different ways to get tutoring online
There are basically 3 ways your child can study for school on the Internet.
1.) Online tutoring courses for self-learning
What’s this?
Learning material for a specific school subject for self-learning. Organized by subject and grade level. Often presented with educational videos. Most of the online tutoring courses cost a monthly fee (approx. $10-20 / month), but you have unlimited access to all content. (Important: note the cancellation options for subscriptions!) The course organizer ensures that a certain quality standard is maintained. Video lessons and test tasks help you learn independently. Often even the federal state can be selected with individual learning material.
Well-known online tutoring for self-study:
Sofa tutor:
Here you will find at least 14 school subjects for different grade levels. You learn with short videos, there are also exercises and a homework chat. You can also book personal online tutoring.
There you will find 7 school subjects, from grades 1-4 or 5-7. In “Adventure Worlds”, stories related to the subject matter are told, plus tests and a points system for motivation. The website has a separate parents’ area.
Student help:
This well-known provider of traditional face-to-face tuition also offers online courses in math, German and foreign languages (grades 4-13). It includes learning videos and exercises; you can answer additional questions by email.
Online courses from 4 school subjects, the video learning content is presented according to topic (not according to grade level). There are also various tests. The special thing about it: Schoolchildren can also learn here in English, Arabic and other languages.
Which of the providers is most suitable naturally depends on the situation (school subject, grade level, personal support).
2.) Personal live tutoring via the Internet
What’s this?
Here there are personal online tutoring lessons, for example as a video conference. Some students want to study online from home, but still need a personal tutor. That is more individual and helps motivation. Of course, this is more expensive than the ready-made online tutoring: One hour of personal Internet tutoring costs about as much as one month of self-study courses.
The following providers offer this:
Student Kris: Actually a provider of traditional face-to-face tuition, but now also offers an online version. Practically all school subjects can be booked here, the approx. 150 e-tutors have been specially checked for their suitability for online tutoring.
Learn Buddy: Here the online individual lessons take place via Skype and Zoom, various school and study subjects are available. The quality of the teachers should be controlled by evaluations of the students. The agreement and payment is made directly between the student and the teacher.
Learn Work: This tutoring school also gives live online tutoring in the most important school subjects. The teachers come from their own tutoring institute.
Easy-Tutor: More than 100 online tutors tested and trained by the provider teach here in around 20 subjects. A long-term contract is not required; payment is made via rechargeable time accounts.
3.) Other online school content
What’s this?
Learning sources that can be used to study and review online on individual subjects. The offer ranges from YouTube to Wikipedia and many other learning websites. Often contains less video content (more text) and is less geared towards specific grade levels. Always pay attention to the provider – not every simple learning video on YouTube contains correct explanations!
Some common examples of fairly high quality content:
Mundo: Educational media library of the Federal States with extensive school material from all subjects. It contains videos, texts and various other types of media.
Ab-web: Offers important examination material from 8 subjects especially for the Abitur preparation. The learning units contain more text, but learning videos are also integrated.
Serlo: Learning content, especially in the field of school mathematics, works similarly to Wikipedia. Lots of math related articles and assignments (free).
Khan Academy: Was originally the inventor of explanatory videos for schoolchildren in the USA. There are now individual video lessons in math and computer science in many countries around the world.
Math by Daniel Young: The Youtuber shows various math explanatory videos, which are arranged in playlists by topic.
The Simple Club: Here, two YouTube stars give relaxed tutoring in various school subjects.
What is online tutoring for?
Professor Dr. Ludish Hagen teaches school pedagogy at the University of San Diego and is a recognized expert in this field in specialist circles. He says: The benefit of online tutoring also depends on the reason why support is sought at all.
1. Do you want to compensate for weaknesses and close large gaps?
” Online learning requires great self-learning skills combined with a high level of motivation, ” says Prof. Hagen. The “classic target group of tutors ” may have a certain weakness precisely there”, Hagen recommends a “blended learning” concept for these students: “Online yes, personal support too!” Advises the tutoring expert. In addition to self-study, personal online tutoring can be a good idea here. Or of course the usual classroom tutoring.
2. Do you want to improve grades and prepare for exams?
Those who do not have any fundamental learning difficulties, but also want to repeat school material independently, will find excellent opportunities in the online tutoring offers. “Today, even pupils with grades in the green area take tuition, i.e., students with three students want to achieve a grade of two. And learning videos are perfect for such motivated pupils “, says Prof. Hagen about this target group of tutoring.
Those who do not have a fundamental problem with learning but want to improve their grades will find many good learning opportunities online. Video-based online tutoring courses offer a large selection for self-study alongside school. Established providers ensure the appropriate quality.
For students with significant learning disabilities, personal support is also recommended. This can be done via the classic classroom tutoring or as individual online tutoring via the Internet. However, this is significantly more expensive than the self-study courses.
In addition, there are already many other learning opportunities for students on the Internet. However, these are less clearly structured and tailored to specific subjects and grade levels. Here, students and parents should above all make sure that the provider is reputable.
In our course directory, we list thousands of video-based online courses, MOOCs and online lectures from 22 subject areas. For pupils, students and for further education.
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