Applying lace front wigs is easy especially when the right procedure is followed. Start installing frontal lace wigs with an oil-free and clean scalp. To prevent the edges of your hair from being damaged braid your hair and gather all hairs to flatten up in a wig cap. Apply glue if it is necessary. This way lace front wigs can help you to save your hair for long. To check if the wig fits properly install it. Align a lace front wig with your natural hairline to make it look natural.
If the lace front wig fits properly, remove it to apply glue and blow dry it after aligning it with the natural hairline and evenly spreading with a brush. Apply the glue once more and keep blow drying until you get the clear color and it feels tacky. Avoid installing a lace front wig when the glue color is white or it ruins your hair.
The next step to installing a lace front wig is to make it stay at its place by applying freeze spray. Pull the lace front wig on when the glue dries. To match the hairline, adjust the edges of the wig back and on. To check whether a lace front wig is applied properly with your hairline, check the alignment of both ears. It is difficult to remove the lace when it is pressed back into the glue. Use pairs of scissors to trim out lace. To get a natural look prefer to apply concealer with a foundation brush to blend the knots.
To have a more natural look, cut some hairs after pulling with a razor to make baby hairs. To lay baby hairs in their right place, hair mousse is useful. Tie a scarf for a while to keep the edges of the lace front wig to fix in place. After untying style your hair as you want. To soften glue to remove the wig from the scalp, use adhesive remover.
Full lace human hair wigs are easy to wear without glue as well. First, you need to wash your skin, and with an alcoholic wipe or cotton, bud dipped in an alcohol cleanser, remove all excess oil from the hairline. All you need to tie your hair up by making cornrow braids. Ensure packing all your hair in a wig cap from front hair to your neck hairs to prevent any damage.
To ensure the lace front wig fits properly, wear the wig and align it with your hairline. Check if it is too loose? Then tighten up the elastic band. There can be another case that, it can be too tight. For this, you need to loosen up the elastic band to make it feel comfortable.
If you are sure that the lace front wig fits you best, you can now trim the extra edges of the wig lace. By pulling hairs away from your face, trim the lace with sharp scissors along your hairline, or you can pluck the hairs with tweezers. But this way, you need to bleach the hairs to match your natural color.
Tie a scarf over the edges and comb the lace front wig the way you want it to look.
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