In the 21st century, continuing education programs that provide for lifelong skill upgradation have become a core component of testing the professional competence of individuals in many countries of the world.
In Tennessee, authorities strictly ensure that continuing education is being followed. Tennessee is a landlocked state in southeastern parts of the US, surrounded by eight other states. Oak Ridge, TN, is called the energy capital of the world for its continuing research on energy usage.
In Tennessee PDH or Professional Development Hours is necessary for obtaining a professional engineering license. PDH means the hours you spend on further studies to keep your knowledge up to date. You can progressively enhance your engineering knowledge by studying courses recognized by the competent authorities or gathering them by attending seminars, conferences, etc.
How To Satisfy PDH Requisites
PDH Requirement
If you wish to practice your occupation in Tennessee, you must pursue knowledge advancement courses for at least 24 PDH units every two years. If in Tennessee PDH requirements are not met, the licensing authorities will not renew your professional engineer’s license.
To obtain the required PDH units, you can attend approved online courses on any engineering subject or attend conferences or webinars. Every hour spent on these is considered as one PDF unit.
Another approved way of collecting PDH units is publishing quality research papers in peer-reviewed journals. Regular employees prefer these continuing education programs as they do not have a problem discharging their regular duties.
In case you pursue higher studies at a university, you also gain PDH units: a half-yearly semester course in a university earns you 15 PDH units, whereas a quarterly semester adds 10 PDH units. If you obtain more than 24 PDH units, you can carry the extra units for up to 12 hours for the next two years. However, you must also pursue at least 13 hours of such courses on subjects like technical competency, safety, health, or welfare.
A person disabled or deployed in military services is exempted from collecting the 24 PDH units.
Record Keeping
You must keep account of your PDH units obtained. Though you do not have to submit them along with the application for license renewal, they may be demanded during verification or audit purposes. You have to keep them for at least four years. When the authorities require, you must submit them within thirty days. The software can also print detailed records when needed.
As an engineer, you are bound to follow the rules concerning the public’s welfare. You must also report to authorities if the employer has violated any rules you know of.
PDH ensures that an engineer continues further studies on his professional subjects to keep track of the latest skills and developments in this field. They also indirectly enhance your self-confidence and capability, professional knowledge, and job prospects.
Excelling in continuing education courses is no different than excelling in any regular college course. Thus, to derive maximum benefits from such programs, individuals should put in adequate time and effort and make the best use of available resources. Many courses are available for obtaining the requisite credits. The courses chosen should be such that they enhance your existing skill set.
With the fast developments and new inventions in today’s world, regular updating of knowledge is a must; otherwise, you wi ll fail to satisfy the requirements of your employers and the general public. You will also feel satisfied when you satisfy all stakeholders.
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