America is a great country to live in. But a second passport is still a desirable thing for Americans. A majority wants to relocate to the EU, and Italy is among the choicest destinations. Countless Americans have Italian roots, and many choose to marry the citizens of Italy. But what if you do not fall in either category? Fortunately, you still have an option open because you can explore the Italian investor visa as your golden ticket to the country. If you want to know how it works, you can seek advice from the Bersani Law Firm specialists. Here are some key facts you must understand about this immigration option before going ahead.
Eligibility is a breeze
When it comes to acquiring an investor visa to Italy, eligibility is a breeze. You need not worry about fulfilling any norms, except being able to invest money in the country. Since you do not have to validate your Italian roots or marriage to a local, the list of documents required for the process is less extensive. As long as you can give proof of valid funds, you can close the process. However, you will have to obtain a certificate of no impediment (nulla osta) first. The good thing is that it is an online process that completes within 30 days. Once you have it, consider yourself eligible and ready to apply.
Risk-free proposition
The best part about the Italian investor visa is that it is a risk-free proposition. You have to invest money only in legitimate entities such as an Italian startup, registered company, philanthropic organization, or government bonds. While the investment runs in thousands or millions, you have to deposit the sum only after getting your visa. Until then, you only have to validate your funds with the necessary proof and give a declaration of the intention to invest. You cannot find a less risky way to secure immigration.
Assistance is available
While the process for procuring an investor visa is relatively fast and easy, you still have to follow some steps to complete it. Fortunately, expert assistance is available to guide you with the paperwork and process. It is a good idea to collaborate with an immigration and citizenship expert if you want to acquire citizenship down the line. You can do it by renewing your visa and converting from temporary residence to permanent residence status after five years in the country. A stay of ten years makes you eligible for citizenship by naturalization eventually. Although it is a golden ticket, the entire plan requires a good understanding of Italian citizenship law.
Italy is an incredible immigration destination. Not surprisingly, thousands of Americans want to try their luck with Italian immigration everywhere. But you need to be eligible to apply through conventional routes like descent, marriage, and naturalization. If you fail to comply, the investor visa is your best bet. If you can afford to invest for the long haul, there couldn’t be a better way to chase your Italian immigration dream.
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