As we all know, we are living in the middle of a fuel and energy crisis and everyone is looking for some top tips to help them reduce the cost of their energy bill. With that in mind, we have compiled a list of 6 money saving tips that will save you energy and money.
Turn the heating down
The most expensive part of your energy bill is definitely heating your home, but these incredibly high bills can be lowered by turning the heating down by even 1 degree. This won’t feel like much to you, but it can result in saving up to £60 a year, according to uSwitch. If you find yourself struggling with the slightly cooler temperature in your home, add an extra layer or two.
Turn the lights off
How often do you walk out of a room and forget to turn the lights off? Be honest! Even if you have already made the switch to LED light bulbs, which are 75% more efficient than a regular light bulb, it’s important to keep the lights switched off unless you need them. Moreover, it’s imperative to keep appliances switched off at the wall unless they are in use. A device sitting on standby uses just as much energy as a device that has been left switched on.
Reduce your consumption where possible
There are lots of simple things you can do to reduce energy consumption in your day to day life that you probably haven’t thought of yet. For example, turn your washing machine down to 30℃ and try to reduce your washing load by one a week. Moreover, consider alternative methods to dry your clothes than a tumble dryer. It guzzles energy, and there are natural methods to dry clothes, such as using a washing line if you have a garden or using a drying rack inside your house.
Keep the heat in
We all know someone who turns the heating up and then stands with their door open, but did you know you can lose heat without even opening your window? If your home isn’t properly insulated, you will lose heat through your roof, walls and floor, which will add hundreds to your energy bill over the course of the year. Fortunately, there are plenty of roof insulation grants on offer from the government, so you can save that money instead of wasting it.
Watch your water
Heating water for a bath or a shower is one of the most energy fuelled tasks our boiler undertakes. Cutting down the length of your shower by just one minute could save a family of four £45 per year. It’s also worth considering recycling bath water, by offering it to another person in the house if it’s still warm. Topping up a lukewarm bath with warm water will save you lots more than running a fresh one every time someone needs to bathe.
Get your boiler serviced
The best boilers will save you money because they are energy efficient. The best way to ensure this is the case is to have your boiler serviced annually, by a trained professional. Ideally, this should be done before winter, so you have time to iron out any problems before the cold months arrive.
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