Business owners must create strategies to boost company morale during these uncertain times. Good company morale promotes a positive culture and encourages employees to become more productive and efficient at work.
With the number of issues arising globally, many employees are burned out and have low morale. In that case, it is empirical to implement strategies proven to improve employee satisfaction and promote work optimism.
Ways To Promote And Keep High Company Morale
Change is crucial, especially if you notice that your company morale is gradually decreasing. You can find hundreds or even thousands of strategies you can do to ensure that your company morale is at its highest. Instead of using these strategies as a short-term solution, why not permanently implement them into your company to enjoy its long-term benefits.
Here are some of the best ways to enhance and keep high company morale.
Promote Open Communication
One best way to promote company morale is to maintain a line of communication where everyone in the team is free to speak. This means that you should let your workers feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their thoughts in the workplace.
Aside from that, open communication will also help them better understand your expectations to them and their expectations to you and the company. It is also essential for employees and managers to follow guidelines that will allow both parties to share personal or company problems without any fear.
Organize Team-Building Activities
Good company morale is associated with how your workers feel towards their colleagues. Thus, it would be best if the company managers set up team-building activities to allow employees to have better connections and relationships with each other.
For example, if your employees work in one office, you may consider hosting happy hours or even group trivia games. On the other hand, this might be quite a challenge if you manage remote teams.
But, worry no more since you can also host virtual happy hours with your remote teams. Beyond that, you may also consider letting your employees have online meetings through video chats.
As a manager, it is your responsibility to think outside the box. In addition, you may also ask the opinion of your employees about activities they want to do together. Whether you are managing a remote team, it is essential to make your employees feel that they are appreciated by celebrating even the tiniest milestones in their lives.
Make Your Employees’ Mental Health A Priority
In a world full of uncertainty, managers should pay more attention to the mental health of their workers. During the pandemic, many employees experience high anxiety and stress levels even at work. Ginger surveyed the pandemic, and most respondents complained that the spread of COVID-19 was one of the most stressful moments that affected their careers.
Since the pandemic, many workers have been forced to work from home. But remote working made it more difficult for them to have a well-balanced work and life. For example, many employees are prone to burnout because they spend long hours in front of their computer screen and submit all the necessary office documents.
Companies should also set work limitations that will ease the burden and workload of their employees. It is also essential to let your team have their day-offs even they don’t have something special to do.
Encourage Employee Development
When your employees don’t feel appreciated in the company, their motivation to continue working will drop. This is also true in workers who don’t see any workplace opportunities to develop their skills and professionalism.
In line with that, it is recommended to allow your workers to participate in new activities and give them enough time to join in development classes that will let them do projects they are passionate about. It is crucial to let your employees know that you have plans for them to excel and improve within the company.
When they see opportunities in your company, they are more likely to decline your competitors’ offer. Thus, you can preserve your highly-motivated employees.
Give Performance-Based Incentives
Many professional company managers suggest providing employees with performance-based incentives. For example, you may promote your existing employees for senior positions before hiring someone to replace their job. Moreover, you may also consider allowing your workers the opportunity to change teams according to their similar interests and skills.
This is a great way to encourage your workers to have a better focus on their careers, develop and acquire new sets of skills, and work more efficiently. Aside from that, you may also want to offer monetary incentives to your employees according to their performance. These might be salary increases or employee bonuses. Aside from that, your employees will also appreciate if you will give them cash out PTO.
Doing so will help you keep your employees in your company instead of searching for other opportunities that would give them higher compensation.
Implement A Health And Wellness Program
The mental and physical health of your employees is two crucial factors that contribute to the overall success of your business. Remote workers usually have a sedentary work lifestyle. Thus, it would be great if you would implement a program that targets their mental health and physical wellness.
You may consider having a wellness program where all of your team members are required to join fitness classes. Beyond that, you may also allow your employees to enroll in health education courses that will let them better understand how to keep their mental and physical health at its optimum level.
Final Thoughts
Maintaining good company morale is essential because of different reasons. One of them is that happy and satisfied workers are more likely to be engaged and show productiveness in the company. According to a Gallup study conducted in 2017, high company morale can increase overall productivity by more than 20 percent. This also decreases chances of turnovers by 59 percent and absenteeism by 41 percent.
Follow the tips we mentioned above to achieve and maintain good morale within your organization.
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