We spend the major portion of our week at the office, it’s not where we live, but it may feel that way at times! While it’s tempting to let your personal office space in the building grow a bit rough around the edges, it’s really better for your health and attitude to keep it cleaned up and shipshape! Besides, you never know when the big boss is going to come for a tour and see the fast food wrappers strewn under your desk and the clutter festooning your desktop. Being sloppy is not a good look for your future career!
It’s easy enough to make the excuse that the Sydney commercial cleaning services will come around every weekend to tidy up after you, and while they do a bang-up job, if by the following weekend, your office resembles a pig style, it’s really on your shoulders to make things right by cleaning up after yourself! Here are some tips to get you started!
Recycle Papers – The workplace has become highly digitized, but paper still has its uses, and once those have been accomplished, it tends to pile up. When you face mountains of old papers hiding your desktop send them out to be recycled! If they are something you need to keep, then they go into the filing cabinet, if you can still find one!
Empty Your Rubbish Daily – Have a heart, don’t let your waste basket fill to overflowing with lunch wrappers and discarded paper cups, it’s disgusting for the people who sit near you, and pity the poor cleaning staff who has to pick up your mess over the weekend! Be a responsible member of society, and carry your basket over to the main bin and dump it in!
Clear Off Desk Clutter – It’s human nature to accrue different little objects that we might think will be helpful to us, even if we don’t have a clear idea of how or when that may happen! One of the places those items tend to pile up on is your desk, ostensibly so they will be within easy reach! But ask yourself how many staplers and tape dispensers do you really need to have in this new digital age? Your desk needs to be a free and clear space where you can do your most important tasks on, not a miniature office supply museum! Box all that stuff up and give it to charity, or donate it to a real office supply museum!
Organize Electric Cords And Chargers – While much of today’s office tech has gone wireless, there is still the need for some good old-fashioned cords connected to power outlets! Set up a surge protector under your desk and route all of the power cords to it, then cable tie them together so they don’t magically twist themselves into a rat’s nest, a phenomenon scientists are still struggling to understand!
If you keep your personal workspace spic and span we guarantee you will feel better and be more productive, you can thank us when you get that raise and promotion for being so clean and considerate!
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