Knowing the easiest and simplest way of converting any file format to your desired file format is truly a lifesaver. With the constant improvement of technology, our lives have never been easier. Mobile devices today are more than capable of just shooting a text message or calling someone else.
Our mobile devices are now capable of processing documents that computers can do. However, the more PDF files we manage also means the number of apps we also need increases. So, what is the best tool that would easily help us in managing all our files? In this article, we will talk about GoGoPDF. What is GoGoPDF, you ask?
GoGoPDF is a free browser-based PDF converter tool that enables us to edit and open our PDF files just with the help of our web browser found in our smartphones, computers, laptops, or even tablets. There’s no need for you to download or install any software or app on your device, and at the same time, it also decreases the risk of your devices getting any unwanted infection from all sorts of malware or viruses.
GoGoPDF offers a wide array of file formats that you can convert to and from, such as being able to convert PPT to PDF, Excel to PDF, Word to PDF, JPG to PDF, HTML to PDF, and a lot of other useful tools which we will be telling you next. GoGoPDF also enables you to convert your PDF files to any of their available file formats.
Optimize and Repair PDF
Other PDF converter tools only enable you to convert your files into various file formats, and this is why GoGoPDF is much better than others. With the addition of various tools and functionalities, it enables GoGoPDF users to completely improve PDF’s power. When a certain PDF file is damaged, which normally happens if it has been stored for a long time, GoGoPDF can easily repair your damaged PDF file and restore them to its original form.
It is worth noting that there is something that we call “complete” and “partial” recoveries, which greatly depends on how much a virus has damaged your file or how power outages have damaged the file.
Add Watermarks
Using GoGoPDF, you don’t have to do the tedious labor of adding watermarks on your own. You have to do only two things when adding watermarks using GoGoPDF’s Add Watermark tool: choosing your desired watermark and the position of where you want to place it. You have the authority to choose whether you want to add an image or a text for your watermark, and GoGoPDF can process these for you.
Unlock PDF
Another main issue regarding PDF files is that some PDF files containing sensitive information are inaccessible when you send them to other people. Some may forget to include the files’ password whenever they send them or even forget the password. With GoGoPDF, you don’t have to worry whether you forgot the password or you don’t have the password completely.
You can easily access your confidential PDF files with GoGoPDF’s Unlock PDF tool. A handy feature like this surely proves how much GoGoPDF is superior to any other PDF converter tools found on the internet.
GoGoPDF Key Features
Customer Privacy Policy
GoGoPDF prides itself in satisfying every users’ needs, and at the same time, giving them the best protection and privacy from any unwanted snoopers. For every file that you have uploaded into GoGoPDF, their system will automatically delete them permanently after an hour of upload.
While in GoGoPDF’s hands, your files are well protected and secure with a Secure Socket Layer or SSL Encryption Technology that secures and encrypts the files that you transmit on the internet.
High Degree of Compatibility
You can access all of GoGoPDF’s tools with any type of operating system, web browser, or device. Since it is fully optimized, GoGoPDF guarantees that you will not encounter any compatibility issues, problems, or mishaps whenever you convert your files or use any other tools they offer.
Speedy Processing
Given that you have a stable and working internet connection, GoGoPDF can quickly convert your files while giving you the best quality that you can ask for. It converts a single PDF each time to ensure that they will convert it into a high-quality file that you wanted.
Overall, GoGoPDF is a great PDF tool that you should know about. The best part of it is that you can freely access its features without having to pay a single cent. Though its paid version gives you much better features if you are contented with GoGoPDF’s free version, why not continue using it?
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