You’ll be surprised to discover just how much money you can save your small business by making a conscious effort to lower your business’ energy usage and carbon emissions. To discover how to get started, simply continue reading to learn a few energy saving tips which have been designed specifically for small businesses. As well as some of the costs of specific actions, which you’ll be able to help your business cut down on.
Energy Costs and Savings for Businesses:
Encourage your employees to turn off their computers when they’re not using them:
You’d be surprised at the amount of energy which is unnecessarily wasted when your employees leave their computers on when they’re not using them. As an example, for every employee who turns their work computer off at the end of the day, your small business will be able to save $60 worth of power per year and 546 kilowatt hours of energy. Just imagine how much energy you’d save and how much money you’d be able to save your business if all of your employees turned off their computers before they clocked out at the end of the day.
You’ll even be able to save energy, by getting your employees to turn off their computers when they attend business meetings or go out during their lunch breaks.
Set up your employees’ computers to automatically power down after 15 minutes of inactivity:
It’s also advisable to set up your employees’ computers so that they automatically power down after a set period of inactivity such as 15 minutes.
Make sure that your business uses energy efficient light bulbs instead of regular lightbulbs:
There are two key benefits of opting to use energy efficient light bulbs. The first of which is the fact that energy efficient light bulbs are a lot cheaper to operate than traditional light bulbs. The second benefit of opting to have energy efficient light bulbs installed in your small business is that they last up to 10 times as long as regular light bulbs. So each year you’ll actually save your business money by purchasing energy efficient light bulbs, which won’t need to be replaced every few months.
Encourage some of your employees to telecommute to work:
If your small business employees individuals who are able to complete the vast majority of their work from home, you may want to start encouraging certain employees to telecommute to work. Or to work from home twice a week. Which will drastically decrease your small business’ power consumption. As a bonus you’ll also be able to decrease your business’ carbon footprint as your employees will create fewer carbon emissions as they won’t have to commute to and from work as often as they currently do.
Switch your power provider:
Another simple yet effective way to decrease your business’ power bill is to ensure that your business is getting the best available power deal by visiting Utility Bidder, in order to sign up for more effective and affordable power. As there is no reason to pay an unfair premium each month.
So if you’d love to be able to save your business money and decrease your business’ carbon footprint, it’s well worth taking on board some of the useful information which has been listed above! And for more tips on saving energy, check out this awesome ebook! SME Saving Energy Pack
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