A comfortable mattress allows people to get a good night’s sleep. What’s more, a top-quality mattress enables individuals to minimize stress levels, reduce joint or back pain and promote good spinal alignment.
If you’re a passionate mattress retailer looking for great ways to grow your business, you’ll need to implement effective sales and marketing tactics that will attract more customers to your store. Here are five suggestions to help you achieve this goal:
- Offer Generous Discounts and Freebies
Many customers are fond of fantastic deals. After all, nearly everyone would prefer to save money or even get a free item no matter the purchase. If you have customers searching for excellent deals on your mattress store, you’ll want to make sure that you offer good discounts and freebies.
You could, for instance, give a free top-quality bed fan that goes under the sheet when a customer purchases a large or extra large mattress from your shop. Another suggestion would be to offer a 20 percent discount on certain bed products.
Discounts and free items entice customers to come back to your business establishment. What’s more, these incentives can encourage people to share the good news with their family and friends. After all, who would want to pass up on a great deal? This word-of-mouth recommendation will help you attract more customers to your mattress store and help you stay on top of the competition.
Here’s a tip for you: when offering discounts, consider giving them during the holidays. You can even offer an unexpected but pleasant surprise to shoppers by offering discounts on random dates. These types of offers will surely attract the most attention.
- Establish a Solid Online Presence
Although you have the option to sell your range of comfortable and top-quality mattresses exclusively in your physical store, a digital marketing strategy will not help you draw more customers and boost your bottom line. You need an online presence to get more people coming into your store.
You could, for starters, build a website that promotes the features of your mattress products, explains the differences between each mattress and educates prospective and existing customers on current mattress technologies.
You could also create a blog that lets people know how long a mattress lasts. If your valued readers haven’t changed their mattress in years (or don’t know how long they should change their mattress), you could use your website to entice people to purchase a new one.
If you are not sure how to create a website, find a reliable agency that can help you create an online presence. You’ll have plenty of options, from a full-service marketing firm providing white label SEO for other agencies to a web design agency.
- Promote Your Mattress Products in Community Papers
Advertising your mattress products and brand in your local community newspaper is a great way to specifically target a local market. You could, for instance, appeal to students staying in apartments by placing an advertisement about a discount mattress sale in a local university newspaper.
If you have plans to sell a high-end mattress to upscale residential property owners, consider advertising your brand or product in community papers targeting high-income individuals and neighborhoods with luxury houses or condominiums.
You could even promote your products in publications related to children or parenting. An example would be to run advertisements about purchasing a bunk-bed mattress or selecting a crib, full-size or twin bed that provides the right support system to help a kid’s body develop properly.
- Befriend Your Prospective Customers
Let your potential mattress buyers look at you as a good friend. After all, an easy and effective way to get to a person’s heart is to be approachable. Make sure that you, along with your mattress sales team, interact with your customers truthfully and politely.
This could involve testing the mattress you have on sale personally. Provide a sincere opinion on their quality to your prospective customers. This type of honest conversation will help make your customers feel valued.
- Launch a Mattress Fundraising Campaign
A fundraising campaign is a series of activities organized to raise funds. This can be specific and short, or long term with a set of milestones and phases.
If you are going to start a mattress fundraising campaign, consider working closely with local schools or community organizations for fundraising projects as part of your advertising or marketing efforts. If they say “yes” to your proposal, this could cost your business little to nothing. This is great, especially if you are searching for a cost-effective way to market your products and draw more customers to your store.
These five best practices will help you sell more mattresses, bump up your bottom line and help your business succeed. Go ahead and apply these tips to generate more sales and provide people with the product that will help them get a great night’s sleep.
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